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大家在看我的白富美老师 魂帝武神 姐妹花的最强兵王 这就是牌佬的世界吗?亚达贼! 仙武帝尊 名侦探世界的警探 轮回乐园之旅 无限从龙骑士开始 神医嫡女:帝君,请下嫁! 动漫之邪王真眼 
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第二百四十五章 活着

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In the past, I might have assumed that most of it was true, but lately, more and more celebrities have been trying to fabricate fake lawyer's letters or other documents to confuse the public, and by doing so, they are avoiding their share of responsibility. I would call this current phenomenon the distortion of information on the internet.


Would you like to be a famous person in the news?


I don't want to be a celebrity who will often be recorded in the news, which means I won't have free time to myself and have to watch what I say and do all the time. Even though I've had great success, the influence and pressure of being a public figure is immense and I just want to be a normal person!



Do you prefer to save money or spend money?


Saving and spending money are both pleasurable things to do, but most of the time I prefer to see something I like better, save for it, and then spend it when the amount reaches a standard! It's a satisfying feeling from the inside out, not only because you're getting what you want, but also because you're experiencing a sense of fulfilment as you gradually reach your goal.


How do you save money?


I've seen people online who take their entire salary out of their bank card and turn it into cash, and then put it into different bags to differentiate between the money they need to spend and the money they need to save. Personally, all I need to do to save money is to transfer some of it from my WeChat wallet to a card that I don't normally use.



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站内强推酒神 盘龙 赌石神眼 笨鸟修仙 武侠:丫鬟黄蓉,七侠镇杀 钱途 斩神,财神太能打,外神全麻了! 谍网 都市:斩杀仙帝?可我真是炼气期 幸孕娇妻:总裁,晚上见 神父 箭王 狼人杀,觉醒女巫,毁灭世界! 寸芒 全民:召唤师弱?开局觉醒金铲铲系统! 重生年代:带物资空间种田致富 海贼王之仙剑奇侠 寒门书生:出门捡个便宜小娇妻 大秦:我替陛下开了挂 向她臣服 
经典收藏开局虫族主宰,加入聊天群 龙珠:开局加入聊天群 聊天群:开局驾驭时王之力 超二的我加入了聊天群 开局龙蛋加入聊天群 天道酬勤:我加入了万界聊天群 口袋妖怪之漆黑的往昔 遮天之我是小石头 傅少的全能娇妻 禁地探险:开局扮演路飞,队友张麒麟 盗墓:我,开局抽中麒麟血脉 我成为了怪谈少女的心灵导师 快穿之男神游记 恋爱流怪谈游戏 斗罗活久见 他不配你别哄 龙王传说之宇宙星神 人在东京:时间停止 完美之混沌 我真的不是龙傲娇 
最近更新崩铁:成为飞霄白月光后我死遁了 古人看我玩星穹铁道 一帘幽梦,君临古今 【鬼灭之刃】绝对光辉的太阳 我被忠犬男仆攻略了 异世影子 陈柯在古代艰难求生 命轮运转,依依不舍 这么会自我攻略,你不要命啦? 孙山表哥何书锦的科举路 金锁链,银锁链,送给老婆 空降虫族:我是预言家! 四合院:傻柱,好日子来喽 神印:我人族圣女,但魔神继承人 哈利波特与东方魔法师 打工皇帝逆袭人生 跌落泥尘 清冷仙尊总被人觊觎 郑律成传奇 只将孤艳付幽香 
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